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A Pinnacle Senior Property Manager Recommends Parking Solution ‍

How Rachel Phinney found a parking solution for her 504 unit apartment community.

As reviewed by Rachel Phinney, Senior Property Manager

After months of resident complaints regarding our community’s lack of parking, our Regional Manager stumbled across Parking Boss and recommended that I reach out for more information. I was willing to try anything to help solve our parking problem, but after my first phone call with Joel I was sold! I couldn’t wait to begin using the Parking Boss system!

I would highly recommend Parking Boss to anyone looking to solve a parking problem!

Parking Boss accomplishes several things:

  1. It helps to enforce the lease agreement; which for us means only allowing 1 vehicle per licensed resident. The Parking Boss system easily allows us to track vehicles and ensures that only 1 sticker is issued per licensed resident.
  2. It basically eliminates all unauthorized/illegal occupants living within your community because those individuals are not able to obtain a QR sticker for their vehicle, essentially making it impossible for them to park on your lot.
  3. This system forces these individuals to fill out a Rental Application in order to get added onto the lease agreement. Only when they are approved and have signed the lease agreement can they get a QR sticker for their vehicle. (Needless to say we had 20+ roommate additions within the first month!)

The Parking Boss system bleeds into some of our other systems as well.

For our community it is important to know the total number of occupants living in a home because part of the monthly water, sewer & trash charges are based on the per unit occupant count. By having record of all residents living in the home, we can charge a more accurate & fair rate to all of our residents.

We are a 504 unit apartment community so tracking vehicles without some sort of system in place is almost impossible. With Parking Boss, we know exactly what vehicles are parked on our lot at all times.

We can even track guest vehicles! We were able to verify proper licensing & registration when issuing the QR stickers which helped to facilitate the removal of several vehicles from the property.

Positive Reviews

In the past 12 days that our Parking Boss system has been “active”, we have already received 2 positive reviews specifically mentioning the improvement in our parking situation. In addition, we have noticed that our parking lot has more open spaces than ever before, even during peak hours (typically after 10pm). I would highly recommend Parking Boss to anyone looking to solve a parking problem!"

Rachel Phinney
Senior Property Manager
Fulton’s Crossing Apartments