We've helped over 200 properties fix their parking. While every property is unique, many share the same parking challenges. We've listed five of our top tips to help you regain control of your parking.
1. Limit the number of resident vehicles per unit.
Often a manager will end up with residents who have extra vehicles, using up open spaces or guest parking to store them. Perhaps they have a garage but use it for storage instead of parking. If you already have a vehicle limit but find it hard to track and enforce, give residents Smart Decals, which link the license plate to the resident and unit info.

A quick scan of the decal will reveal if the license plate number matches. Some properties only allow one decal per bedroom or a max of two decals per unit above one bedroom. Those with a third vehicle will need to rent a garage or carport, or make other arrangements.
Registering a Smart Decal will automatically ban the resident from registering a guest permit for that vehicle. This means they can't pretend to be a guest or take up guest parking. And if they try to sneak in an extra car anyway, they won't have a decal for it, making it easy for enforcement to spot.
“Some units had 3, 4 & even 5 vehicles at their unit and we had to get this under control so that every resident had 2 spaces to park their vehicles. Parking Boss was the solution with the bar coded sticker and the Guest Parking Attendant. ” — Sandy G., Senior Property Manager (Capterra)
2. Clearly mark and enforce guest spaces.

Use guest parking signs and mark spaces so that guests can quickly find parking. Visible signs make it easy for guests to park without confusion and stay in compliance with your rules. Integrated guest signs go one step further, allowing visitors to register a digital permit with built-in time limits. If possible, we recommend allocating 10% guest spaces per unit count.
3. Segregate guest parking into blocks of spaces throughout the lot.
Enforcement is easier when patrol can see exactly where guests should be parking instead of searching for randomly placed spaces. Quickly finding guest parking zones means more efficient and consistent patrol for your team.
(Need advice on how to designate your lot and manage parking? Contact us to start a conversation.)
4. Use signs to inform visitors that permits are required and to clarify parking areas.

Place signs reading “parking by permit only” at lot entrances. Mark resident areas with “resident parking only” signs. Adding signs to different parking zones lets visitors to know where they can and cannot park, and creates accountability with residents.
We can help tailor a parking sign solution for your property. Our signs are steel traffic-grade and coated to protect against graffiti. Already using Parking Boss signs, but need more options? Order additional signs and materials at store.parkingboss.com.
5. Set expectations for consistent patrol.

This is a crucial part of managing parking. Patrolling parking areas regularly enforces your rules and creates accountability for residents and guests.
“The only thing I had to do differently as a manager to make sure it was a successful program was set the expectation that they (whether it’s an office team member or a maintenance team member) will audit the parking lot daily, at least once, without exception.” — Stephanie Young, Senior Property Manager at Greystar
Decide how often your parking needs to be monitored and create a plan with your team from the start. This ensures that your parking is consistently monitored and that your team (and patrol) are on the same page.
Limited resident vehicles, clearly visible parking signage, organized guest parking, and regular enforcement are all important aspects of parking management. Our parking solution provides the materials, technology, and expertise needed to help get your parking under control.