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7 Types of Amenities to Attract Gen Z, the Next Wave of Renters

Generation Z are making their way into the rental market, bringing with them a desire for tech-focused amenities.

The eldest of Generation Z are making their way into the rental market, bringing with them a desire for the best apartment amenities.  

Pre-2020 surveys found that Gen Z looked for things like tech upgrades in their apartments that help save money, versatile gym spaces, and sustainable living. They were also the most open to short-term rentals and co-living spaces.

As the job market grows and young adults are able to make it on their own post-pandemic, there will be a larger wave of Gen Z looking for apartments. Those who are employed and living on their own (or with roommates) are spending more of their free time at home than ever before, even if they aren’t working from home.

With all the time being spent indoors and at home, the demand for previously “nice-to-have” amenities is increasing. Let’s look at the best apartment amenities you’ll want to start incorporating in your communities to attract this next wave of renters.

High-speed internet

If renters aren’t able to get high-speed internet in your community, it just might be a deal breaker. With lives centered around the use of technology, mixing in smart tech amenities throughout your communities blends seamlessly into a Gen Z lifestyle. From reserving gym time online to remote access into the community, technology is one of the best apartment amenities that can draw renters and improve your bottom line.

Smart-home tech

Smart controls for thermostats, appliances, and doors can save on replacement costs, improve efficiency, and increase peace-of-mind. Renters are the most interested in the smart home tech that can save them money. Who doesn’t want a sense of control over their environment and usage?

Online portals, payments, and reservations

Technology makes it possible to maintain a sense of community without compromising the use of shared amenities. Most of the tasks you would historically have managed in person can now be handled online. Things like package lockers, web-based parking management, and maintenance requests kill two birds with one stone by increasing your efficiency and reducing the need for in-person contact. You may not be able to open spaces to full occupancy, but with online amenity scheduling through an app like Amenity Boss, residents can reserve their time ahead and check on occupancy levels right from their phones.

Fitness centers

You probably already know that fitness centers are one of the best apartment amenities. Millennials and Gen Z make up 80% of those in the gyms, according to a 2019 Les Mills Global Fitness Consumer Survey. Your fitness centers give residents a place to get out some energy, especially after sitting at home all day. The range of exercise styles people prefer is broad, and you can hone in on that by creating outdoor fitness space, setting capacity limits in fitness centers for fairness, open areas for things like yoga, and even offering small classes with an online or in-person instructor.

Virtual workout classes and meet-ups

While gyms are still closed in certain regions and people are cautious to workout in confined spaces with others, many people are exercising in their own homes. Consider offering yoga and exercise classes over Zoom, allowing your residents to feel safe in their own spaces. You can even include virtual game nights to engage residents with their community. Staying active is a great way to boost moods, and so is time with friends.

Community pet spaces

Most people consider their pets to be a part of the family. When your communities also treat them as such it creates a more welcoming environment for the entire family. A “COVID-19 Pulse Study” by the American Pets Products Association found that 11.38 million households in the U.S. have added a new pet during the pandemic. You may have even heard them referred to as “quarantine pets”.

16% of Gen Z respondents were among those who have gotten a pet this year. Reservable dog parks and spaces for pets in your communities can create a safe space for pets and owners alike by giving them somewhere to let their dogs play.

Greener living

The shift toward a greener future continues, possibly more than ever before with Gen Z. Any effort you make toward leaving a smaller environmental footprint makes a difference in the eyes of many earth-conscious Gen Zers. It can be as simple as turning your outdoor community and pet spaces into green spaces. Plant more flowers, trees, grass, and even community garden spaces to attract a market that seeks sustainability.

These spaces make great community areas where residents can get outside of their apartments, socially distanced, of course. Another easy way to go green is using technology to process payments, lease agreements, and other common transactions to reduce paper usage.


While it may feel like apartment amenities are always changing, there are a few things you can always count on. People seek simplicity, and technology has come a long way to help promote that. Your upcoming Gen Z renters are digital natives, so they’re savvy with their phones and appreciate quick responses. Technology can be an essential tool for you to manage efficiently and effectively.

With high-speed internet and online amenity reservations, you’re able to attract renters and easily manage amenity spaces. Designated fitness spaces continue to be popular among younger people and by offering virtual fitness classes, you’ll encourage residents to stay active and connected to the community. Don’t forget to treat pets as family and emphasize your care for the environment in your community. Attract and keep younger residents by offering the best apartment amenities they desire.